Timeless Resources Holdings Limited 天時資源控股有限公司 (“Timeless”) (together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) was incorporated in Hong Kong on 12 March 1996, the shares of which are listed on GEM of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) under the stock code of 8028.
The Group is principally engaged in two business lines, namely (i) the Mining and Metal Business; and (ii) the Software and Innovation Business.
The Software and Innovation Business comprised of research, development and sale agency of bio and nano materials products as well as software maintenance and development services. In addition to these operating segments, the Group has investment in various projects including e-sports business, nano applications as well as smart farming solution and services.
Mining and Metal Business
The Mining and Metal Business primarily comprises of exploration, development and exploitation of a nickel-copper mine in the PRC and metal trading in Hong Kong.